

Basic, Hidden, Indirect Facts, Constants, Vocabulary

Basic, Hidden, Indirect Facts, Constants, Vocabulary

This lesson introduces the following analysis patterns: basic facts, hidden facts, indirect facts, trace constants, and vocabulary index.

Basic facts

A typical trace is a detailed narrative accompanied by a problem description that lists essential facts. For this reason, the first task of any trace analysis is to check the presence of basic facts in the trace. If they are not visible or if they do not correspond, the trace was probably not recorded when the problem occurred or was taken from a different computer or under other conditions.

Here is an example. The user test01 cannot connect to a published application in a terminal services environment. We look at the trace and find this statement:

We can be sure that this trace was taken for the user test01, especially when we expect this or similar trace statements. If we do not see this trace statement, we may suppose that the trace was taken at the wrong time, such as when the problem had already occurred.

We suggest the following taxonomy of basic facts:

  • Functional facts: The user expected a dialog to enter data.
  • Non-functional facts: CPU consumption was at 100%.
  • Identification facts: These include the application name, PID, username.

Hidden facts

The previous patterns, such as basic facts and vocabulary index, ...