/Ruptured, Strand, Thread, Time Delta, Timeout, Weave
Ruptured, Strand, Thread, Time Delta, Timeout, Weave
This lesson introduces the following analysis patterns: ruptured trace, strand of activity, thread of activity, time delta, timeout, and weave of activity.
We'll cover the following...
Ruptured trace
Recently we analyzed a few logs that ended with a specialized activity region from a subsystem that sets operational parameters. The problem description stated that the system became unresponsive after changing parameters in a certain sequence. Usually, for this system, when we stop logging (even after setting parameters), we end up with messages from some background components. This occurs because some time passes between the setting of the parameters and the time that elapses till the operator stops logging request.
However, in the problem case, we see that the message flow stops right in the middle of the parameter setting activity.
So, we decided to check for crashes or hangs, and, indeed, it was found that the system was experiencing system crashes. We also got memory dumps for analysis where we found top module from a third-party vendor ...