/Mask, Sharding, Similarity, Unsynchronized, Working
Mask, Sharding, Similarity, Unsynchronized, Working
This lesson introduces the following analysis patterns: trace mask, trace sharding, trace similarity, trace string, unsynchronized traces, and working set.
We'll cover the following...
Trace mask
Trace mask is a superposition of two or more different traces. This is different from the inter-correlation pattern, where we may only search for certain messages without the synthesis of a new log. The most useful trace mask is when we have different time scales (or significantly different statement currents). Then we impose an additional structure on one of the traces.
We got the idea for this pattern’s name from narrative masks discussed in Miroslav Drozda’s book Narativní masky ruské prózy (Narrative Masks in Russian Prose).
Trace sharding
When we have very large traces (including split traces), we can use the concept of sharding to split a log into ...