/Foreground, Characteristic, CoTrace, Critical, Event
Foreground, Characteristic, CoTrace, Critical, Event
This lesson introduces the following analysis patterns: background and foreground components, characteristic message block, CoTrace (CoLog, CoData), critical point, and dominant event sequence.
Background and foreground components
We borrowed the name of the next pattern we are going to discuss from literature. It’s called background and foreground components. We can easily illustrate it on pseudo-trace color diagrams. Suppose we troubleshoot a graphical issue using an ETW trace containing the output from all components of the problem system. Graphics components and their messages are considered foreground for the trace viewer (a person). These are situated in relation to numerous background components (for example, database, file, and registry access) shown in shades of green in the diagram below:
Trace viewers can filter out background component messages and present only the foreground components (we can call this component foregrounding).
Of course, this process is iterative and parts of what was once foreground becomes background and a candidate for further filtering.
Characteristic message block
A high-level view of software traces makes it easier to see their coarse blocked structure.
The farther finer structure is discernible, and we can even see nested ...