/Reversal, Selector, Intrinsic ID, Missing, Random
Reversal, Selector, Intrinsic ID, Missing, Random
This lesson introduces the following analysis patterns: data reversal, data selector, intrinsic ID, missing data, and random data.
We'll cover the following...
Data reversal
Sometimes we notice that data values are in a different order than expected. We call this pattern data reversal. By data values, we mean some variable parts of a specific repeated message, such as the address of some structure or object. Data reversal may happen for one message type:
However, it can also happen for some message types and not for others. A typical example here are Enter
trace messages for nested synchronization objects, such as monitors and critical sections.
Since we are talking about the same message type (the same message invariant), this pattern is different from the event sequence order pattern.
In rare cases, we may observe data reversal inside one message with several variable parts, but this may also be a case of data association. ...