Solution to Maze Solver
The solution to the implementation of classes and their inheritance along with methods to solving a maze in JavaScript.
We'll cover the following...
Final step to check if a maze is solvable
With helper methods ready and the maze in front of us, we can finally implement a solution. The method solve
takes the source and target indices and to tell if the maze is solvable. Look at the solution below.
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const Grid = require('./grid').gridClass;// Create MazeSolver class belowclass MazeSolver extends Grid{constructor(arr){super(arr); // initialize the grid}canTraverse(x,y){// check boundsif (x < 0 || y < 0)return false;else if (x >= this.grid.length)return false;else if (y >= this.grid[x].length)return false;// check if 0 or notelse if(this.grid[x][y]===0)return false;elsereturn true; // all passsed}getNeighbours(x,y){// return array of neighboursvar neighbours = [];// upif(this.canTraverse(x-1, y))neighbours.push([x-1,y]);// downif(this.canTraverse(x+1, y))neighbours.push([x+1,y]);// leftif(this.canTraverse(x, y-1))neighbours.push([x,y-1]);// rightif(this.canTraverse(x, y+1))neighbours.push([x,y+1]);return neighbours;}checkVisited(x,y,visited){// traverse array for visited// console.log(x,y,visited)for(var i= 0; i< visited.length; i++){if(visited[i][0]=== x && visited[i][1]===y){return true;}}return false;}solve(x1,y1, x2, y2){// solve from coordinates (x, y)var stack = []; // maintain coordinatesvar visited = [];// check if initial position can be traversedif(this.canTraverse(x1,y1)){visited.push([x1,y1]);stack.push([x1,y1]);}var solved = false;while(stack.length > 0){var currentPos = stack.pop();if(currentPos[0] === x2 && currentPos[1] === y2){// target found and so exit loopsolved = true;break;}// target not found and so traverse neighboursvar neighbours = this.getNeighbours(currentPos[0], currentPos[1]);for(var i = 0; i < neighbours.length; i++){// check visited and if not, throw in stackif (!this.checkVisited(neighbours[i][0],neighbours[i][1],visited)){visited.push([neighbours[i][0],neighbours[i][1]]);stack.push([neighbours[i][0],neighbours[i][1]]);}}}return solved;}}var arr = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],]var maze = new MazeSolver(arr);console.log("check solavable -> source (0, 1) and Dest (4,3):")console.log(maze.solve(0,1,4,3));console.log("check solavable -> source (0, 0) and Dest (4,3):")console.log(maze.solve(0,0,4,3));console.log("check solavable -> source (0, 1) and Dest (3,3):")console.log(maze.solve(0,1,3,3));console.log("check solavable -> source (0, 1) and Dest (4,4):")console.log(maze.solve(0,1,4,4));
The solve method
takes 2 pairs of coordinates; x1
and y1
are the source while x2
and y2
are the destination indices. The solution works like this.
Initialize an empty array to track which indices to traverse next by the name of ...