

Solution to Sub-task: Read Files

Solution to Sub-task: Read Files

The solution to the Sub-task "read files" of the project "File Searcher".

We'll cover the following...

Read files

Here, use the directories from earlier as a reference point. Read all files so the path and data of each file is in a single array.

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// helper function to read a file
// input -> String => Path to file
// Output -> [String, String] => [file path, data of file]
var readFile = dir => new Promise(ress => fs.readFile(dir,'utf8',(err,data)=>{
if(err) ress([dir ,'']);
else ress([dir , data]);
var readFiles = async (dir) => {
var directories = await getNestedPathNames(dir);
var txtFiles = directories.filter(x => x.match('.txt'));
var txtpromises = txtFiles.map(x => readFile(x));
var arrData = await Promise.all(txtpromises);
return arrData
var test = async () => {
await populate_directory(); // initialise custom directories in background
var names = await readFiles('dir'); // get promise and wait for resolve
console.log(names); // print output of promise

In this solution, first make the readFiles function asynchronous by adding the async token to the function (line 9). Then, get all path names in the directory dir utilizing our ...