Solution to Sub-task Line Breaks
The solution to the Sub-task "line breaks" of the project "Justify Text".
We'll cover the following...
Line breaks
After splitting a line by a certain width, introduce the hyphenation of a word. The word should be split into parts by referring to a dictionary and incorporating the broken word in the first part of the line however possible.
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// helper function to permute combinations// input -> [[String][String]] eg. [['he'],['l', 'lo']]// Output -> [[[String][String]]]// eg. [ [['he'], ['l', 'lo']],// [['he', 'l'], ['lo']],// [['he', 'l', 'lo'], []], ]function getPermutations(arr){let [fst , snd] = arr; // destructure arrayif(snd.length === 0) return [[fst, snd]]; // basecaselet [x, ...xs] = snd; // remove one element from right arrraylet permute = [[...fst, x], xs]; // shift removed element to left arraylet answer = getPermutations(permute); // call for further combinationsreturn [arr, ...answer]; // return all combinations}function lineBreaks(dict, width, line){let [fstPart, sndPart] = splitLine(line, width);if(sndPart.length === 0) return [[fstPart, sndPart]];let word = sndPart[0].replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g,''); // get first word of second part of lineif(dict.hasOwnProperty(word)){let permutations = getPermutations([[],dict[word]]);// map all permutations with splitLine outputlet possAns = => {// see if hyphen neededlet leftSide = x[0].length ? x[0].join('').concat('-') : [];// see if punctuation mark neededlet rightSide = sndPart[0].match(/[.,]/) ?x[1].join('') + sndPart[0].substr(-1):x[1].join('') ;// add leftSide and rightSidereturn leftSide.length?[[ ...fstPart, leftSide],[ rightSide, ...sndPart.slice(1)]]: [[ ...fstPart],[ rightSide, ...sndPart.slice(1)]];});// filter lines with greater than the width lengthlet finAns = possAns.filter(x => {let total = x[0].reduce((prev, curr) => curr.length + prev, 0);return (x[0].length - 1 + total) <= width})return finAns; // return final answer}else{return [[fstPart, sndPart]];}}// dictionaryenHyp = {"creative" : ["cr","ea","ti","ve"],"controls" : ["co","nt","ro","ls"],"achieve" : ["ach","ie","ve"],"future" : ["fu","tu","re"],"present" : ["pre","se","nt"],"motivated" : ["mot","iv","at","ed"],"desire" : ["de","si","re"],"others" : ["ot","he","rs"],}console.log(lineBreaks(enHyp,12, ["He", "who", "controls.","world"] ));
In this solution, first split the line
according to its width
using the splitLine
function from the previous part. (line 18). Our base-case or corner case ...