

Solution to Sub-task: Blank Insertions

Solution to Sub-task: Blank Insertions

The solution to the Sub-task "blank insertions" of the project "Justify Text".

We'll cover the following...

Blank insertions

In this step, add a certain number of spaces in a line and produce all possible combinations of added spaces at different positions.

Press + to interact
// helper function to permute combinations of adding just one space
// input -> [String] eg. ['he', 'l', 'lo']
// Output -> [[String]]
// eg. [ ['he', ' ', 'l', 'lo'],
// ['he', 'l', ' ', 'lo'], ]
function singleBlankInsert(line){
// when only two words basecase
if(line.length === 2) return [[line[0],' ',line[1]]];
// when only one word basecase
if(line.length <= 1) return [line];
let [head, ...tail] = line;
let answer = singleBlankInsert(tail);
answer = answer.map(x => [head, ...x]);
answer.push([head, ' ', ...tail]);
return answer;
function blankInsertions(num, line){
if(num === 0) return [line];
if(line.length <= 1) return [line];
let answer = blankInsertions(num-1, line);
// insert one blank for each line using map
answer = answer.map(x => singleBlankInsert(x));
// flatten the array
answer = answer.reduce((prev, curr)=> prev.concat(curr), []);
// filter duplicates
return Array.from(new Set(answer.map(JSON.stringify)), JSON.parse)
enHyp = {
"creative" : ["cr","ea","ti","ve"],
"controls" : ["co","nt","ro","ls"],
"achieve" : ["ach","ie","ve"],
"future" : ["fu","tu","re"],
"present" : ["pre","se","nt"],
"motivated" : ["mot","iv","at","ed"],
"desire" : ["de","si","re"],
"others" : ["ot","he","rs"],
console.log(blankInsertions( 2, ["A", "creative", "man"]))

Solve this solution recursively, where our base cases are as follows.

  • Number of spaces num that we need to add is zero (line 19)
  • Length of the line is less than or equal to one, and no spaces are added (line 20