

Solution to Sub-task: Line Cost

Solution to Sub-task: Line Cost

The solution to the Sub-task "line cost" of the project "Justify Text".

We'll cover the following...

Line cost

Here, use a series of variables and factors to calculate the cost of the line.

Press + to interact
// helper function to find blank positions relative one another
// input -> [String] Number eg. ['he', ' ', 'l', 'lo'] 0
// Output -> [Number]
// eg. [1, 2]
Each number is the distance of a space character from either the start of the
line or the preceding space character. The last number is the distance of the
end of line from either the start of the line or the preceding space character.
function blankPlacements(line, position){
if(line.length === 0) return [position];
let [head, ...rest] = line;
if(head === ' '){
return [position, ...blankPlacements(rest, 0)];
return blankPlacements(rest, position +1);
function lineCost(line){
// get blank positions
let blankPositions = blankPlacements(line, 0);
// get sum of blank positions
let sum = blankPositions.reduce((prev,acc)=> prev + acc ,0);
// get average of the positions
let average = sum / blankPositions.length
// calculate variance below
let sumOfSquaredDiff = blankPositions
.map(x => (x - average)**2) // squared differences from the mean
.reduce((prev,curr) => prev + curr, 0) // sum of differences
let variance = sumOfSquaredDiff / blankPositions.length;
// count hyphens
let hyphenCount = line
.map(x => x.match(/[-]/g) ? 1 : 0) // check for hyphens
.reduce((prev,acc)=> prev + acc ,0); // count hyphens
// count additional blanks
let numberOfBlanks = line
.map(x => x === ' ' ? 1 : 0) // check for blanks
.reduce((prev,acc)=> prev + acc ,0); // count blanks
let totalCost = blankCost * numberOfBlanks
+ blankProxCost * (line.length - average)
+ blankUnevenCost * variance
+ hypCost * hyphenCount;
return totalCost;
enHyp = {
"creative" : ["cr","ea","ti","ve"],
"controls" : ["co","nt","ro","ls"],
"achieve" : ["ach","ie","ve"],
"future" : ["fu","tu","re"],
"present" : ["pre","se","nt"],
"motivated" : ["mot","iv","at","ed"],
"desire" : ["de","si","re"],
"others" : ["ot","he","rs"],
const blankCost = 1.0
const blankProxCost = 1.0
const blankUnevenCost = 1.0
const hypCost = 1.0
console.log(lineCost (["He", " ", " ", "who", "cont-"]));
console.log(lineCost (["He", " ", "who", " ", "cont-"]));

In this solution, we rely on calculating multiple values using multiple variables for line. Take into account explicitly introduced placement of space character ' ' in the line line, for which the solution uses the helper function blankPlacements (line 23). Use recursion to get these placements in the function with the following properties.
