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This interactive R course covers everything from the basics, variables, and data types to advanced topics, such as recursion, file handling, and S3/S4 classes in R.
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Course Overview

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to analyze large datasets is becoming a vital skill across industries. R, one of the most powerful languages for data analysis. This interactive R course is designed for beginners, with no prior knowledge of R programming required. You will begin with fundamental concepts, such as R variables, data types in R, and basic functions like R print and R cat. As you progress, you will dive into more complex topics, including R vectors, lists, arrays, matrices, and data fr...Show More
In today’s data-driven world, the ability to analyze large datasets is becoming a vital skill across industries. R, one of the m...Show More


An understanding of the basics of R variables, data types in R, and how to use R cat and R print
The ability to manipulate R strings, vectors, lists, arrays, and matrices
An understanding of data frames in R programming
The ability to apply arithmetic operators in R, relational operators in R, and logical operators in R to process data
Hands-on experience writing control flow structures like if statements in R, switch statements in R, and different types of loops in R (e.g., for loop in R, while loop in R)
Familiarity with advanced topics such as nested functions in R, recursion in R, and file handling in R
The ability to handle errors with try and except in R and learn object-oriented programming with S3 and S4 classes in R
An understanding of the basics of R variables, data types in R, and how to use R cat and R print

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Course Content


Introduction to R

3 Lessons

Start your R course and learn R by exploring its benefits and target audience and creating an introductory "Hello World" program.


R variables

9 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of R variables, manage R data types, and perform basic operations with R cat, R print, and R strings.


Data Structures in R

13 Lessons

Examine R vectors, R lists, R arrays, R matrices, data frames in R programming, and factors to understand R’s core data structures.


Conditional Statements in R

9 Lessons

Take a closer look at using R if and switch statements for conditional logic and decision-making in your R programs.


Loops in R

9 Lessons

Tackle for loop in R and while loop in R constructs, with practical exercises and solutions to enhance your looping skills in R programming.


Input/Output in R

8 Lessons

Learn how to use file handling in R for efficient data input/output, managing TXT and CSV files, and performing essential data manipulations.


Exception Handling in R

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of try and except in R to manage errors effectively and ensure code continuity.


Classes in R

1 Lessons

Go hands-on with defining and differentiating S3 and S4 classes in R to understand object-oriented programming in R.


R Programming Challenges

6 Lessons

Build a foundation for solving practical R programming challenges through vector manipulation and data analysis techniques.



1 Lessons

Solve problems in R by using community-curated packages and continue practicing basic concepts.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it difficult to learn R?

R is not very hard to learn, especially if you use a structured course. It is designed for data analysis and has many built-in functions. While its syntax might seem different at first, regular practice makes it easy to understand.

Can I learn R on my own?

Which is easier, R or Python?

Can I learn R in 3 months?

Is R programming still in demand?