HomeCoursesMastering Optimization with Python



Mastering Optimization with Python
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Learn to solve optimization problems in Python using essential math tools, metaheuristic methods, and constrained optimization techniques. Master efficient solutions for real-world applications.
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Course Overview

Optimization theory seeks the best solution, which is pivotal for machine learning, cost-cutting in manufacturing, refining logistics, and boosting finance profits. This course provides a detailed description of different optimization problems and the techniques used to solve them. You’ll begin with the formal definition of an optimization problem and an overview of essential mathematical tools: derivatives, gradients, and Hessian. With this knowledge, you’ll implement solutions for several optimization pr...Show More
Optimization theory seeks the best solution, which is pivotal for machine learning, cost-cutting in manufacturing, refining logi...Show More


An understanding of the mathematical foundations of optimization methods
Familiarity with population-based metaheuristic optimization methods such as genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization
Hands-on experience in formulating, implementing, and solving optimization problems using Python
A working knowledge of Python libraries such as SciPy, NumPy, and CVXPY for solving optimization problems
An understanding of the mathematical foundations of optimization methods

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Course Content



6 Lessons

Get familiar with optimization basics, Python tools, problem-solving, and practical applications.


Derivatives and Gradients

8 Lessons

Walk through using derivatives and gradients for solving complex optimization problems in Python.


First Optimization Algorithms

9 Lessons

Work your way through optimization algorithms including binary search, gradient descent, and Newton's method.


Adding Constraints

6 Lessons

Take a closer look at solving constrained optimization problems using various methods and practical exercises in Python.


Linear Constrained Optimization

7 Lessons

Tackle linear optimization problems using Python with SciPy and CVXPY, covering integer constraints and practical applications.


Summary and Conclusion

2 Lessons

Master the steps to develop an optimization mindset and practical skills using Python.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with installing essential tools for optimization in Python across OS.
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