HomeCoursesMastering Unit Testing Principles with NUnit



Mastering Unit Testing Principles with NUnit
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Gain insights into unit testing principles, and delve into configuring and using NUnit. Discover how to write effective tests, maximize coverage, and elevate your testing projects.
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Course Overview

Industry, employers, startups, and amateur developers are increasingly looking towards unit testing their software. Unit testing is one of the most reliable ways to find and keep software bugs at bay, thus reducing costs and development pains. Developers working with the .NET framework are overwhelmingly turning to NUnit to meet their unit testing needs. In this course, you’ll learn the principles of unit testing, and in the process, learn to configure and use the NUnit testing framework. Given that the co...Show More
Industry, employers, startups, and amateur developers are increasingly looking towards unit testing their software. Unit testing...Show More


A thorough understanding of unit testing principles
Hands-on experience writing unit tests using the NUnit framework
Familiarity with practices that make testing effective, maintainable, and agile
Familiarity with testing industry practices, trends, and tools
A thorough understanding of unit testing principles

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Take a look at key unit testing principles, essential terminology, and resources in .NET.


Appendix - Unit Test Project Organization and Console Setup

6 Lessons

Focus on setting up and running NUnit projects, utilizing test coverage tools, and structuring test projects.
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