HomeCoursesNext.js - The ultimate way to build React apps



Next.js - The ultimate way to build React apps
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Gain insights into building ultra-fast React apps with Next.js. Delve into static optimization, SEO practices, and deploying a giphy search app using the giphy.com API.
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Course Overview

React is an amazing framework that allows you to build front-ends that are unmatched in speed, functionality, and ease of use. Where React falls short though is its ability to optimize for search engines. That’s where Next.js comes in. In this course, you will learn to build a giphy search app using the giphy.com API. To kick things off, you’ll learn how to statically optimize a Next.js page, creating an ultra fast loading experience for users. You’ll then dive into the inner workings of creating your giph...Show More
React is an amazing framework that allows you to build front-ends that are unmatched in speed, functionality, and ease of use. W...Show More

Course Content



4 Lessons

Get familiar with Next.js for enhancing React, optimizing SEO, and improving rendering methods.


Getting Started

5 Lessons

Get started with building and deploying Next.js projects through practical, step-by-step applications.


Development Tools & Pre-Rendering

3 Lessons

Examine development tools and pre-rendering techniques like static generation and server-side rendering.



3 Lessons

Solve problems in optimizing <Head> tags and images for better SEO and performance.


Deployment and CI/CD

5 Lessons

Follow the process of deploying Next.js apps using Vercel, Git, environments, and custom domains.



1 Lessons

Build on the official Next.js and React documentation to enhance application development skills.
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