Challenge: Data Manipulation of Foreign Function Interface in PHP

A hands-on exercise to test your knowledge of PHP 8's new feature, which makes direct C-language calls.

This challenge will extensively test your understanding of the new PHP 8 feature of making direct C-language calls. We will use these concepts to establish a connection between C and PHP languages.


Use the FFI extension in PHP to work with C data types and functions. It allows you to allocate and populate arrays of characters (char) using FFI, perform byte-level comparisons between arrays, and obtain information about the size and alignment of the allocated arrays.


Fulfill the following to complete the challenge:

  • Use the FFI new() method to initialize four character arrays with a length of 6.

  • Use $populate function to populate the arrays with random ASCII values.

  • Print out the arrays using printf() and other FFI methods.

  • Use FFI comparison methods to compare the values of the arrays, both for the full length of the arrays and for a shorter length.

  • Finally, use FFI infrastructural methods to get the size and alignment of the arrays.

Coding playground

Attempt the challenge in the coding playground below. Good luck!

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