/Solution: Serialize and Unserialize Different Data Structures
Solution: Serialize and Unserialize Different Data Structures
A detailed review of the solutions to the previous challenge involving serialization and unserailization of several data structures such as arrays, SPL library objects, and doubly linked lists.
We'll cover the following...
The code widget below contains the solution to the challenge. We will also go through a step-by-step explanation of the solution.
Solution to Task 1
This task demonstrates how to initialize an array object with two keys. Serialize and unserialize the ArrayObject
and then iterate over it to display its contents.
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<?php// create an ArrayObject and add some data$arrayObj = new ArrayObject(["name" => "Alice","age" => 30]);// serialize the ArrayObject$data = serialize($arrayObj);// unserialize the data$arrayObj = unserialize($data);// get the name and age values$name = $arrayObj["name"];$age = $arrayObj["age"];// create an ArrayIterator and iterate over the data$iterator = $arrayObj->getIterator();while($iterator->valid()) {echo $iterator->key() . ": " . $iterator->current() . "\n";$iterator->next();}?>
Let’s get into the code.
Lines 3–6: An
is created with two keys,name
, and their ...