Nullsafe Operator

Learn about the nullsafe operator and how it provides the ability to handle the NULL data type.

The nullsafe operator is used in a chain of object property references. If one of the properties in the chain does not exist (in other words, it is considered NULL), the operator returns a value of NULL safely without issuing a warning.

In our example, we must have the following:

  • An Extended Markup Language (XML) file named produce.xml.

  • Lines 4–15: We also need to define a getQuantity() function that first checks to see if that property is not empty before proceeding to the next level.

  • Lines 18–30: A code snippet that scans through the XML document and displays quantities.

// Define the getQuantity() function 
function getQuantity(SimpleXMLElement $xml, string $type, string $item)
	$qty = 0;
	if (!empty($xml->dept)) {
		if (!empty($xml->dept->$type)) {
			if (!empty($xml->dept->$type->$item)) {
				$qty = $xml->dept->$type->$item;
	return $qty;

// Load the XML file
$xml = simplexml_load_file(__DIR__ . '/produce.xml');

// Define the produce array with types and items
$produce = [
	'fruit' => ['apple','banana','cherry','pear'],
	'vegetable' => ['artichoke','beans','cabbage','squash']

$pattern = "%10s : %d\n"; // Pattern for displaying item and quantity

// Iterate over each type of produce
foreach ($produce as $type => $items) {
	echo ucfirst($type) . ":\n"; // Print the type (capitalized)

	// Iterate over each item in the produce type
	foreach ($items as $item) {
		$qty = getQuantity($xml, $type, $item); // Get the quantity for the item
		printf($pattern, $item, $qty); // Print the item and quantity using the pattern
Displaying array elements with a combination of XML files using nested If statements in PHP 7

As we start dealing with deeper nesting levels, the function ...