Challenge: Serialize and Unserialize Different Data Structures

A hands-on exercise to test your knowledge of the new PHP 8’s backward-compatibility break.

This challenge will extensively test our concepts regarding the new PHP 8’s backward compatibility break. We will use these concepts to use the serialization and unserialization process for different types of data structures, including ArrayObject, ArrayIterator, SplDoublyLinkedList, and SplObjectStorage.

Task 1

  • Implement a PHP 8 Script that initializes an ArrayObject with two keys.

  • Serialize the ArrayObject.

  • Unserialize the serialized array to recreate the original array.

  • Iterate over the array using a loop.

  • Display the contents of the array during the iteration.


Following are the instructions to perform this task.

  • Create an ArrayObject with two keys, name and age. The ArrayObject is then serialized and unserialized, and the values of the keys are accessed using array notation.

  • Create an ArrayIterator and the iterator is used to loop through the keys and values of the ArrayObject, printing each key-value pair to the console.

Coding playground

Attempt the challenge in the coding playground below. Good luck!

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