Creating Enemies
Time to bring out the space pirates.
Game enemies
The space pirates are vicious, diving in and firing randomly. Our player needs to be alert and quick to survive. The programming for the enemy needs to handle spawning, flying about and firing. We can borrow some concepts from player.ts
, but most of them will require new code.
Press + to interact
import { config } from './config';import { ctx } from './index';import { Observable } from 'rxjs';import { GameState } from './gameState';import { triggerEvery } from './util';import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';let playerAvatar = './img/ship.png';let playerImg = document.createElement('img');playerImg.src = playerAvatar;let playerFire = (gameState: GameState) => {let availableLaser = gameState.player.lasers.find(l => l.y- config.laser.height < 0);if (!availableLaser) { return gameState; }availableLaser.x = gameState.player.x + (config.ship.width / 2)- (config.laser.width / 2);availableLaser.y = gameState.player.y;return gameState;};let fiveHundredMs = () => 500;let isSpacebar = (gameState: GameState) =>gameState.keyStatus[config.controls.fireLaser];function updatePlayerLasers(gameState: GameState): GameState {// Lasers actually movegameState.player.lasers.forEach(l => {l.y -= config.laser.speed;});return gameState;}function updatePlayerState(gameState: GameState): GameState {if (gameState.keyStatus[config.controls.left]) {gameState.player.x -= config.ship.speed;}if (gameState.keyStatus[config.controls.right]) {gameState.player.x += config.ship.speed;}if (gameState.player.x < 0) {gameState.player.x = 0;}if (gameState.player.x > (config.canvas.width - config.ship.width)) {gameState.player.x = (config.canvas.width - config.ship.width);}return gameState;}export const updatePlayer = (obs: Observable<GameState>) => {return obs.pipe(map(updatePlayerState),map(updatePlayerLasers),triggerEvery(playerFire, fiveHundredMs, isSpacebar));};export function renderPlayer(state: GameState) {if (!state.player.alive) { return; }ctx.drawImage(playerImg, state.player.x, state.player.y);}
Let’s open up enemy.ts
and create a new function updateEnemyState
with the same signature as updatePlayerState
. The first thing in this function is to determine whether we should spawn a new enemy ...