Multicasting with the Subject Class

Let's see how we can use "Subject" and ‘AsyncSubject’ in RxJS.

We'll cover the following...


At its core, a Subject acts much like a regular observable, but each subscription is hooked into the same source, like the publish/share example.

Subjects also are observers and have next, error, and done methods to send data to all subscribers at once:

Press + to interact
const { Subject} = require('rxjs');
let mySubject = new Subject();
mySubject.subscribe(val => console.log('Subscription 1:', val));
mySubject.subscribe(val => console.log('Subscription 2:', val));;
Console output:
Subscription 1: 42
Subscription 2: 42

Because subjects are observers, they can be passed directly into a subscribe call, and all the events from the original observable will be sent through ...