

Remove All Adjacent Duplicates from a String

Remove All Adjacent Duplicates from a String

In this lesson, we will learn how to remove all adjacent duplicates from a string using recursion.

What does “Removing Adjacent Duplicates from a String” Mean?

This means that we will remove all extra instances of a character when multiple instances are found together. In other words, only one instance should remain after this process.

Lower and upper case letters are considered different characters. Example: string Hhelo does not contain any duplicates.

Removing adjacent duplicates from a string
Removing adjacent duplicates from a string


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def removeDuplicates(string):
# Base Case1
if not string:
return ""
# Base Case2
elif len(string) == 1 :
return string
# Recursive Case1
elif string[0] == string[1] :
return removeDuplicates(string[1:])
# Recursive Case2
return string[0] + removeDuplicates(string[1:])
# Driver Code
print(removeDuplicates('Hellloo')) #returns Helo


To remove duplicates, we must reduce the length of the string with each recursive call. If the current character is similar to the following character, we discard it, meaning that we will not append it later on in the process. However, if the current character is not similar to the following character, we keep it. We ...