

Solution Review: Corresponding Fibonacci Number

Solution Review: Corresponding Fibonacci Number

This review provides a detailed analysis of how to find the corresponding element at a given index in the Fibonacci series.

Solution #1: Iterative Method

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def fibonacci(testVariable):
fn0 = 0
fn1 = 1
for i in range(0, testVariable):
temp = fn0 + fn1
# Setting variables for next iteration
fn0 = fn1
fn1 = temp
return fn0
# Driver Code
testVariable = 7


In the iterative method, we keep track of the two previous elements using the variables fn0 and fn1. Initially, the values of the two variables are:

fn0 = 0
fn1 = 1

However, with each iteration, the values are updated as follows:

Solution #2: Recursive Method

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def fibonacci(testVariable):
# Base Case
if testVariable <= 1 :
return testVariable
# Recursive Case
return(fibonacci(testVariable - 1) + fibonacci(testVariable - 2))
# Driver Code
testVariable = 7


In the code above, the function fibonacci() is a recursive function, since it calls itself in the function body.

The base case of the function (line number 3) deals with the two initial values: for index 00 ...