Solution Review: Average of Numbers
This review provides a detailed analysis of the solution to find the average of numbers.
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Solution: Using Recursion
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def average(testVariable, currentIndex = 0) :# Base Caseif currentIndex == len(testVariable) - 1 :return testVariable[currentIndex]# Recursive case1# When currentIndex is 0, divide sum computed so far by len(testVariable).if currentIndex == 0 :return ((testVariable[currentIndex] + average(testVariable, currentIndex + 1)) / len(testVariable))# Recursive case2# Compute sumreturn (testVariable[currentIndex] + average(testVariable, currentIndex + 1))# Driver codearr = [10, 2, 3, 4, 8, 0]print(average(arr))
The average of an array containing only number, is the number itself. This condition can be our base case.