

Solution Review: Find the Greatest Common Divisor

Solution Review: Find the Greatest Common Divisor

This review provides a detailed analysis of the solution to find the greatest common divisor.

We'll cover the following...

Solution: Using Recursion

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def gcd(testVariable1, testVariable2) :
# Base Case
if testVariable1 == testVariable2 :
return testVariable1
# Recursive Case
if testVariable1 > testVariable2 :
return gcd(testVariable1 - testVariable2, testVariable2)
else :
return gcd(testVariable1, testVariable2 - testVariable1)
# Driver Code
number1 = 6
number2 = 9
print(gcd(number1, number2))


The brute force approach to finding GCDGCD of 22 numbers would be to list all their divisors, pick the common divisors, and then select the greatest of them. However, a mathematical simplification can make this task easier.

The process of calculating GCDGCD is as follows: If m>nm>n, then GCD(m,n)GCD(m,n) ...