Play With Kubernetes

Explore the Play with Kubernetes platform and get hands-on experience with the Kubernetes cluster.

Play with Kubernetes (PWK) is a quick and simple way to get your hands on a development Kubernetes cluster. All you need is a computer, an internet connection, and an account on Docker Hub or GitHub.

However, it has a few limitations to be aware of.

  • It’s time-limited – you get a cluster that lasts for four hours.
  • It lacks some integrations with external services, such as cloud-based load balancers and volumes.
  • It often suffers from capacity issues (it’s offered as a free service).

Let’s see what it looks like.

  1. Go to

  2. Login with your GitHub or Docker Hub account and click Start

  3. Click + ADD NEW INSTANCE from the navigation pane on the left of your browser. You will be presented with a terminal window in the right of your browser. This is a Kubernetes node (node1).

  4. Run a few commands to see some of the components pre-installed on the node.

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