

Closure Properties

Closure Properties

Learn about the closure properties of deterministic and nondeterministic context-free languages.

Closure properties of nondeterministic CFLs

Since there is a difference between deterministic and non-deterministic context-free languages, there are differences in their closure properties. We first develop the closure properties for non-deterministic context-free languages, using CFG-based arguments. “Context-free-ness” is preserved under the following operations:

  • Union.
  • Concatenation.
  • Kleene star.
  • Regular intersection (intersection with a regular language).
  • Regular union (union with a regular language).

Suppose S1S_1 and S2S_2 are the respective start variables for context-free languages L1L_1 and L2L_2. We can form a CFG for L1  L2L_1 \cup \; L_2 as follows:

We introduced a new start variable, SS, which recognizes the union of the two languages by providing a choice between the two original grammars. The rules for both grammars are part of the combined grammar, with variables renamed as needed to avoid name clashes.

A CFG for the concatenation L1L2L_1L_2 is equally straightforward:

To form a CFG for the Kleene star of L1L_1, we form a new grammar that generates the empty string and uses recursion for repetition:

For reversal, we only need to reverse all the right-hand sides in grammar. For example, consider the following grammar SaSb    λS\to aSb \;|\; \lambda for the language anbna^nb^n. Reversing the right-hand sides gives the grammar SbSa    λS\to bSa \;|\; \lambda, which generates the language bnanb^na^n.

Intuitively it makes sense that CFLs would not be closed under intersection in general, since it is unlikely that the stack operations of their respective PDAs would be compatible. The easiest way to show that CFLs are not closed under intersection is by means of a counterexample, where the intersection of two CFLs is not context-free. We will not prove here that the language anbncna^nb^nc^n is not context-free. Accepting that as a fact, note that for CFLs L1={anbncmn,m>0}L_1=\{a^nb^nc^m\mid n,m > 0\} and L2={ambncnm,n>0}L_2=\{a^mb^nc^n\mid m,n >0\} ...