Introduction to Computation
Get an introduction to the concepts of computation, abstract machines, and languages.
We'll cover the following...
Computer science predates computers. The theoretical foundations of computation were laid long before
What is computation?
A computation is the execution of a self-contained procedure that processes input, unaided by outside intervention once it starts, and, if all goes well, eventually halts, yielding output that corresponds to the input given. For example, running a compiler on source code as input and receiving an executable file as output is a computation. A computation that always halts is called an algorithm.
Abstract machines and languages
For our purposes, a computation invokes a procedure representing some underlying mathematical model—a computing mechanism that we call an
In computer programming, we need to agree on which strings of symbols are valid for describing programs and data. Source code is just a string of symbols fed into a compiler or interpreter and needs to conform to the syntax of the programming language used. Ultimately, input, output, and procedures appear as streams of symbols from some alphabet (denoted by ). For many programming languages, the alphabet is the set of Unicode characters. For a computer, it is the two-symbol alphabet . The fact that we think of the symbols and as numbers is immaterial. We are not concerned in this course about the notion of data types; we just process strings, usually one symbol at a time. With this simple approach, one can grasp all that is possible with automatic computation. Types are abstractions built upon this elementary foundation.