Introducing nondeterminism

Consider the language KK, which contains strings with a 11 in the third-to-last position. We can write it as K={allĀ stringsĀ ofĀ 0ā€™sĀ andĀ 1ā€™sĀ endingĀ withĀ 100,ā€…101,ā€…110,Ā orĀ 111}.K = \{ \textrm{all strings of } 0 \textrm{'s and } 1 \textrm{'s ending with } 100,\:101,\:110, \textrm{ or } 111 \}.

It will require a lot of effort to make a DFA that accepts the language KK. It is possible, however, to more succinctly express the idea of ā€œends with a 11 in the third-to-last positionā€ than a DFA allows. With nondeterminism, we can get right to the point of expressing exactly what we want, as shown in the nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) in the following figure.

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