Other Decision Algorithms
Learn how to develop algorithms to make decisions about regular languages.
We'll cover the following...
Decision questions
Let’s consider the following questions for designing decision algorithms:
- Is one regular language a subset of another?
- Is the language of a given DFA empty?
- Is the language of a given DFA infinite?
To show that one regular language is a subset of another, say , it is sufficient to show that does not have any strings that doesn’t, i.e., we show that . This answers the first question in the list above.
The second and third questions are easy to answer when given regular expressions. If the regular expression is not , then at least one string matches the expression. If the regular expression has a Kleene star, then it describes an infinite language.
One way to determine whether a finite automaton accepts any strings at all is to see if there is a path from the start state to an accepting state. This is often easy to do by inspection, but as always, we seek an algorithm to answer the question; a machine with many states may not easily yield a solution by mere inspection.
To find such a path, we begin by “marking” the start state and then following the procedure below:
For every marked state, :
a. Mark all states reachable from ...