Refining Neural Networks with Class Weights
Discover how adjusting class weights in neural network models can address the challenge of predicting rare events.
Loss function
A rare event problem has very few positively labeled samples. Due to this, even if the classifier misclassifies the positive labels, their effect on the loss function is minuscule.
- are the true labels.
- is the predicted probability for .
Remember the loss function in the equation above; it gives equal importance to the positive and negative samples. We can overweight the positives and underweight the negative samples to overcome this. A binary cross-entropy loss function will then be:
- .
- are the true labels.
- is the predicted probability for .
Class-weighting approach
The class-weighting approach works as follows:
The model estimation objective is to minimize the loss. In a perfect case, if the model could predict all the labels perfectly, that is, and , the loss will be zero. Therefore, the best model estimate is the one with the loss closest to zero.
With the class weights, , if the model misclassifies the positive samples, that is, , the loss goes farther away from zero as compared to if the negative samples are misclassified. In other words, the model training penalizes the misclassification of positives more than negatives.
Therefore, the model estimation strives to classify the minority positive samples correctly.
In principle, any arbitrary weights such that can be used. But a rule-of-thumb is:
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