HomeCoursesUnderstanding Deep Learning Applications in Rare Event Prediction



Understanding Deep Learning Applications in Rare Event Prediction

Gain insights into deep learning constructs like LSTM networks and autoencoders. Delve into modeling, prediction strategies, and TensorFlow implementation for rare event prediction in real-life scenarios.
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This course aims to provide a practical understanding of the key constructs of deep learning, including Multi-layer Perceptrons, Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, convolutional neural networks, and autoencoders, which focus on rare event prediction. Through this course, you’ll gain hands-on experience developing solutions for rare event prediction. You’ll start by modeling rare events that occur infrequently. Next, you’ll explore machine and deep learning solutions for imbalanced data. You’ll then le...Show More
This course aims to provide a practical understanding of the key constructs of deep learning, including Multi-layer Perceptrons,...Show More


An understanding of deep learning fundamentals, including Multi-layer Perceptrons, LSTMs, convolutional neural networks, and autoencoders
Hands-on experience modeling rare events
The ability to build and train deep learning models using TensorFlow that predict rare events
Hands-on experience implementing LSTMs for capturing long-term dependencies in sequential data
An understanding of deep learning fundamentals, including Multi-layer Perceptrons, LSTMs, convolutional neural networks, and autoencoders

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Rare Event Prediction

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of statistical foundations, prediction strategies, and spatio-temporal challenges in rare event prediction.


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

17 Lessons

Take a look at CNNs for efficient high-dimensional data handling, spatial feature extraction, and time series modeling.



1 Lessons

Build on your mastery of deep learning techniques in rare event prediction.
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