Strategic Pooling Approaches

Investigate the underlying reasons for max pooling's effectiveness and explore architectural adjustments to enhance pooling efficiency in convolutional networks.

In convolutional neural networks (CNNs), the interplay of convolution, activation, and pooling operations is pivotal for feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. While convolution and activation functions introduce complexity and nonlinearity, pooling is instrumental in distilling essential features, which enhances computational efficiency. Despite various pooling methods, max pooling stands out for its effectiveness across numerous datasets.

Let’s explore a plausible reason behind max-pool’s superiority. The expounded reasoning also uncovers an inherent fallacy of distribution distortion in the “convolution → activation → pooling“ structure in traditional networks.

Max-pool superiority

The realization of max pooling importance traces back to biological research in Riesenhuber and Poggio 1998. Riesenhuber and Poggio 1999 provided a biological explanation of max-pool superiority over average. Popular works by deep learning researchers have also advocated for max pooling in Yang et al. 2009, Boureau, Ponce, and LeCun 2010, and Saeedan et al. 2018.

Yang et al. 2009 reported significantly better classification performance on several object classification benchmarks using max pooling compared to others.

A theoretical justification was provided in Boureau, Ponce, and LeCun 2010. They provided a theory supporting max-pool assuming the input to pooling as Bernoulli random variables. But the Bernoulli assumption is an extreme simplification. A traditional features map input to pooling is a continuous random variable while Bernoulli is discrete.

The reason for max-pool’s superiority lies in the understanding distribution of feature maps, or rather, the distorted distribution and its MLE statistic.

A feature map is a continuous random variable. A random variable follows a distribution. The MLE of the distribution, if known, is the best ...