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Using R for Data Analysis in Social Sciences

Explore R programming for data management, visualization, and analysis in social sciences. Gain insights into replicating research findings and answering substantive research questions using R.


121 Lessons

19h 45min

Certificate of Completion

Explore R programming for data management, visualization, and analysis in social sciences. Gain insights into replicating research findings and answering substantive research questions using R.




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Course Overview

With the rapid progress in statistical computing, proficiency in using statistical software such as R, SPSS, and SAS has become almost a universal requirement. The highly extensible R programming language offers a wide range of analytical and graphical capabilities ideal for manipulating large datasets. This course integrates R programming, the logic and steps of statistical inference, and the process of empirical social science research in a highly accessible and structured fashion. It emphasizes learning...Show More
With the rapid progress in statistical computing, proficiency in using statistical software such as R, SPSS, and SAS has become ...Show More

What You'll Learn

Learn to use R to import and inspect data, identify dataset attributes, and manage observations, variables, and datasets.
Learn to use R to graph simple histograms, box plots, scatter plots, and research findings.
Learn to use R to summarize data, conduct a one-sample t-test, and test the difference of means between groups.
Learn how to replicate research findings in published journal articles.
Learn to use R to compute covariance and correlation, estimate and interpret ordinary least square (OLS) regression, and diagnose and correct regression assumption violations.
Learn to use R to import and inspect data, identify dataset attributes, and manage observations, variables, and datasets.

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Course Content


Introduction to the course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with using R for data management, visualization, and statistical analysis in social sciences.


Replication of Findings in Published Analyses

7 Lessons

Step through the process of replicating statistical analyses, including data preparation and robustness tests.



2 Lessons

Get started with integrating R and data analysis for future career competitiveness.



27 Lessons

Find out about setting up R, writing programs, installing packages, and debugging.

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