HomeCoursesWeb Development: Unraveling HTML, CSS, and JavaScript



Web Development: Unraveling HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
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Explore HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals. Gain insights into forms, controls, OOP in JavaScript, and key CSS patterns. Create responsive, stylized, and performant web applications.
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Course Overview

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: The trinity of web development technologies. If you’re looking to get ramped up on front-end development, this course is for you. You'll find it particularly useful if you're coming from some other area of software development, although prior experience is not required. In this course, you will start with a short tour of HTML, CSS, and JS. You’ll get to experiment with them through examples that explain their role and behavior. From there, you will then dive deep into each techn...Show More
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: The trinity of web development technologies. If you’re looking to get ramped up on front-end developm...Show More

Course Content


Commencing the Journey: Introductions and Conventions

4 Lessons

Get familiar with the essentials of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development.


A Short Tour of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

20 Lessons

Get started with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics, live coding, and interactive web development.


Achieving Richer User Experience with HTML

29 Lessons

Enhance your skills in creating richer user experiences with HTML5 semantic elements and multimedia integration.


Delving into the Document Object Model

24 Lessons

Master the steps to interact with the DOM for dynamic, responsive web pages using JavaScript.


Entering the Realm of JavaScript

40 Lessons

Step through essential JavaScript principles, from basic syntax to advanced array operations.


The Voyage Ahead

2 Lessons

Take a closer look at various career and learning paths in web development.
Certificate of Completion
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