

Auth Packages Introduction

Auth Packages Introduction

Learn about the Go packages that are used in user authentication in the Beego application.

To implement user authentication in a Beego application, we need a combination of Beego’s built-in components and other packages that provide additional functionality. Here are some of the essential packages and components:

  • Session management: Beego includes a session management package. This package allows us to store and manage user session data securely. This is essential for maintaining a user authentication state across requests.

  • Filters/middleware: Beego allows developers to define custom filter functions/middleware. These filters can alter the request or response and perform operations common to multiple handlers. Filters are generally used to manage sessions, handle authentication, and more. In other words, they are a generic way to execute code before and after the handler function.

  • Password hashing: To securely hash and verify user passwords, we need the bcrypt package or a similar ...