Bee Installation and Commands
Learn Bee installation and its commands to create, build, and manage Beego projects.
Bee is a command-line tool that is included with the Beego web framework to make it easy to create, build, and manage Beego projects. With Bee, we can perform various tasks such as scaffolding applications, running development servers, generating code, managing dependencies, and more, all from the convenience of the command line.
Bee simplifies the setup and configuration of Beego projects by automating common tasks. It allows us to quickly generate controllers, models, and views, saving you valuable time and effort.
Bee installation
To install Bee, run the following command:
go install
To make Bee accessible, we need to add the Bee binary to the PATH
environment variable:
export PATH=$PATH:<our_main_gopath>/bin
To update Bee, run the following command:
go get -u
Bee commands
Bee provides a number of useful commands that can be helpful at various stages of our development. To list down all the commands that Bee supports, we can ...