

Challenge: CRUD Operations

Challenge: CRUD Operations

Test your understanding of creating CRUD operations in the Beego application.

Problem statement

In this challenge, you’ll create a CRUD TODO application using the Beego framework. You will develop a simple web application that allows users to manage their TODO list. Users will be able to:

  • Create TODO tasks: Add new tasks to the list.

  • Read TODO tasks: View all the tasks.

  • Update TODO tasks: Mark tasks as complete/incomplete or edit the details of existing tasks.

  • Delete TODO tasks: Remove a task from the list.

The Todo model structure is defined as follows:

Press + to interact
type Todo struct {
Id uint64
Title string
Detail string
CompletedAt *time.Time
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt time.Time

Here is a brief description of the structure:

  • Id ...