User Model and User Registration
Learn to create a user model and user registration flow in a Beego application.
In this lesson, we will create a new model User
using a migration. Then, we will implement the /signup
route using the HTTP POST method that registers a new user. While implementing this route, we will understand how password hashing is used.
Creating a user model
Creating a new model involves the following steps:
Creating a migration
Running the migration
Creating and registering the model
Creating a migration file
We create a new migration with the following command:
bee generate migration create_users_table
This command creates a migration file, database/migrations/20230921_134238_create_users_table.go
In this file, we define the schema for the users
table. The code should resemble the following:
package mainimport ("")type CreateUsersTable_20230921_134238 struct {migration.Migration}func init() {m := &CreateUsersTable_20230921_134238{}m.Created = "20230921_134238"migration.Register("CreateUsersTable_20230921_134238", m)}func (m *CreateUsersTable_20230921_134238) Up() {// Define the schema for the 'users' tablem.SQL("CREATE TABLE users (\id bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \username varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, \password varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, \created_at datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, \updated_at datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, \PRIMARY KEY (id))")}func (m *CreateUsersTable_20230921_134238) Down() {// Define the reverse migration to drop the 'users' table if neededm.SQL("DROP TABLE users")}
In the file, we mainly specify two queries:
Lines 20–27: Query to create
table is specified.Line 32: Query to drop
table is specified.
Runing the migration
To execute the migration, we run the following command:
bee migrate -driver=mysql -conn="beego_notes:tmp_pwd@tcp("
This command runs the Up()
method of the migration and creates the users
Creating and registering the model
In our project, we create a new Go file, models/user.go
. The code looks like this:
package modelsimport ("time""")type User struct {Id uint64 `gorm:"primaryKey"`Username string `gorm:"size:64"`Password string `gorm:"size:255"`CreatedAt time.TimeUpdatedAt time.Time}func (u *User) TableName() string {return "users"}
Let’s understand the above code:
Lines 9–15: This block defines a Go struct named
, which represents a user entity in the application’s data model. TheId
field serves as the primary key for the user table, and theUsername
fields are used for user authentication and security. Additionally, theCreatedAt