HomeCoursesData Structures and Algorithms in Python



Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
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Discover data structures and algorithms using Python. Gain insights into solving real-world problems and typical interview questions with detailed reviews, explanations, and hands-on coding exercises.
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Course Overview

Data structures and algorithms are among the most fundamental concepts of Computer Science. Whether it’s real-world problems you’re trying to solve or the typical coding question asked in an interview, almost every problem requires you to demonstrate a deep understanding of data structures and algorithms. This course is a detailed review of some of the most common data structures and algorithms that you’ll see in interviews and your everyday work. With implementation details, thorough explanations, and ha...Show More
Data structures and algorithms are among the most fundamental concepts of Computer Science. Whether it’s real-world problems you...Show More



Programming Language

Data Structures


Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with data structures, algorithms, and fundamental Python problem-solving techniques.



6 Lessons

Get started with stacks in Python for LIFO operations, reversing strings, and decimal to binary conversion.


Circular Linked Lists

7 Lessons

Find out about circular linked lists, their operations, and applications in Python.


Doubly Linked Lists

9 Lessons

Solve problems in doubly linked lists involving appending, prepending, deleting, reversing, and finding sums.


Binary Search Trees

4 Lessons

Learn how to use binary search trees for organizing, inserting, and validating nodes.
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