Try to solve the Remove Nth Node from End of List problem.


Given a singly linked list, remove the nthn^{th} node from the end of the list and return its head.


  • The number of nodes in the list is k.
  • 11\le k 103\le 10^3
  • 103-10^3\le Node.value 103\le 10^3
  • 11\le n \le k


Understand the problem

Let’s take a moment to make sure you’ve correctly understood the problem. The quiz below helps you check if you’re solving the correct problem:

Remove Nth Node From End of List


What is the output if the following linked list and value of nn are given as input?

Linked list: 32 → 78 → 65 → 90 → 12 → 44 → NULL

nn = 3


32 → 78 → 90 → 12 → 44 → NULL


32 → 78 → 65 → 12 → 44 → NULL


78 → 65 → 90 → 12 → 44 → NULL


32 → 78 → 65 → 90 → 12 → NULL

Question 1 of 30 attempted

Figure it out!

We have a game for you to play. Rearrange the logical building blocks to develop a clearer understanding of how to solve this problem.

Drag and drop the cards to rearrange them in the correct sequence.

Try it yourself

Implement your solution in main.js in the following coding playground. You will need the provided supporting code to implement your solution.

Press + to interact
usercode > main.js
import LinkedList from "./linked_list.js";
import LinkedListNode from "./linked_list_node.js";
function removeNthLastNode(head, n) {
// Replace this placeholder return statement with your code
return head;
export { removeNthLastNode };
Remove Nth Node from End of List