

Schedule Tasks on Minimum Machines

Schedule Tasks on Minimum Machines

Try to solve the Schedule Tasks on Minimum Machines problem.


We are given an input array, tasks, where tasks[i] =[starti,endi]= [start_i, end_i] represents the start and end times of nn tasks. Our goal is to schedule these tasks on machines given the following criteria:

  1. A machine can execute only one task at a time.

  2. A machine can begin executing a new task immediately after completing the previous one.

  3. An unlimited number of machines are available.

Find the minimum number of machines required to complete these nn tasks.


  • n==n == tasks.length

  • 1≤1 \leq tasks.length ≤103\leq 10^3

  • 0≤0 \leq tasksi.start << tasksi.end ≤104\leq 10^4
