HomeCoursesAn Introduction to Basic Set Theory


6h 30min

An Introduction to Basic Set Theory
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Gain insights into fundamental set theory concepts and operations. Explore relations, functions, set ordering, and cardinality using Python. Delve into Cantor’s diagonalization and its applications in various fields.
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Course Overview

This course aims to introduce fundamental concepts of set theory. It provides hands-on experience through practical tasks using Python programming language (Python 3.8) to enhance engagement. You’ll start with the basics of sets, their properties, and set operations. Additionally, you’ll learn about relations, functions, ordering of sets, and cardinality of sets. You’ll also explore Cantor’s diagonalization method as a tool to demonstrate the uncountability of sets. After completing this course, you’ll h...Show More
This course aims to introduce fundamental concepts of set theory. It provides hands-on experience through practical tasks using ...Show More


An understanding of basic mathematical structures and concepts of set theory
Familiarity with the set operations and their properties
Working knowledge of the Cartesian product of sets, relations, and functions
An understanding of the cardinality of finite and infinite sets
Familiarity with the countable and uncountable sets
Hands-on experience with Cantor’s diagonalization method
An understanding of basic mathematical structures and concepts of set theory

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with basic set theory, set properties, operations, and Python-based examples.



3 Lessons

Look at the essence of sets, subsets, power sets, universal sets, and Venn diagrams.



7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of binary, reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and order relations with examples.



6 Lessons

Take a closer look at functions, their types, compositions, and inverses with practical examples.


Indexing and Ordering of Sets

2 Lessons

Simplify complex topics of set indexing, sequences, tuples, and their practical applications.


Cardinality of Sets

2 Lessons

Build on understanding countable and uncountable sets, demonstrating varied cardinalities in set theory.


Concluding Remarks

2 Lessons

Learn how to use set theory fundamentals and logical operations for advanced applications.
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