HomeCoursesAn Intro to Python 3


2h 30min

An Intro to Python 3
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Gain insights into Python 3 by learning basic concepts like keywords and data types, and delving into 50 code puzzles that enhance your understanding of classes and functions.
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Course Overview

This course acts as a stepping stone to becoming a Python master. Before getting into advanced concepts like classes and functions, the course begins with Python's basic concepts, such as keywords and data types. Later in this course, you'll be going through 50 code puzzles that will teach you different concepts in Python 3.
This course acts as a stepping stone to becoming a Python master. Before getting into advanced concepts like classes and functio...Show More


Python Basics

Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with mastering Python through practice testing, puzzle-based learning, and Elo rating progress.


A Quick Overview of the Python Language

6 Lessons

Look at Python's core constructs, data types, object-oriented concepts, and useful functions.


The Final Remarks

1 Lessons

Enhance your skills in coding by completing 50 puzzles and advancing to intermediate level.
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