Home>Courses>Getting Started with Twilio APIs in JavaScript



Certificate of Completion

Getting Started with Twilio APIs in JavaScript

Gain insights into Twilio APIs, learn to manage API keys, send messages, verify accounts, make calls, build virtual spaces, and enhance customer engagement with Twilio technology.
Gain insights into Twilio APIs, learn to manage API keys, send messages, verify accounts, make calls, build virtual spaces, and enhance customer engagement with Twilio technology.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

11 Lessons
19 Playgrounds
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Twilio is a platform that connects a service provider to its customers across multiple channels like SMS, voice calls, and WhatsApp messages. Developers can use Twilio to programmatically build a personalized communication channel for any organization. You will start with an introduction to Twilio APIs and learn to get the API keys. Next, you’ll learn to send outbound SMS and WhatsApp messages and respond to incoming messages using the Twilio API. You will also learn how to verify user accounts in your ap...Show More
Twilio is a platform that connects a service provider to its customers across multiple channels like SMS, voice calls, and Whats...Show More


API Integration



What You'll Learn

An understanding of how Twilio APIs create communication between different audiences
A working knowledge of communications and user experience using messaging services like SMS and WhatsApp
Hands-on experience verifying the customer's phone number using Twilio’s Verify API
A working knowledge of communications and user experience using voice calls
The ability to build virtual spaces for users to communicate across multiple channels using Twilio’s SDKs
Hands-on experience integrating Twilio APIs into a React application
An understanding of how Twilio APIs create communication between different audiences

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with Twilio's APIs for seamless communication integration in JavaScript.


Messages with Twilio

3 Lessons

Walk through sending messages and verifying accounts using Twilio APIs.


Phone Calls with Twilio

1 Lessons

Go hands-on with Twilio's Programmable Voice API to manage phone calls efficiently.


Twilio SDK

2 Lessons

Find out about Twilio SDKs and how they streamline multi-channel communications.


APIs Integration in React

1 Lessons

Take a look at integrating Twilio APIs for e-commerce in a React app.



1 Lessons

Investigate further Twilio documentation and quickstarts to enhance your programming skills.

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