HomeCoursesC++ Standard Library including C++ 14 & C++ 17



C++ Standard Library including C++ 14 & C++ 17
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Discover C++17's new features and tools to optimize your code. Explore fundamentals and advanced techniques, and gain insights through hands-on coding exercises to master C++.
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Course Overview

C++ is one of the most prominent programming languages in the world. Along with optimized performance, the diverse functionality it offers has kept the language relevant for two decades. The C++ Standard Library, which is the collection of all the tools and utilities available in C++, received its latest update in 2017. Known as C++17, the update introduces many new features that further optimize our code. Join us in this course as we venture into the vast world of C++17. We’ll examine the fundamentals of ...Show More
C++ is one of the most prominent programming languages in the world. Along with optimized performance, the diverse functionality...Show More

Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with the C++ Standard Library, key conventions, source examples, and C++11 enhancements.


The Standard Library

3 Lessons

Look at the evolution of the C++ Standard Library, key utility libraries, and STL components.



4 Lessons

Examine C++ libraries for numeric functions, text processing, I/O, filesystems, and multithreading.


Application of Libraries

4 Lessons

Enhance your skills in utilizing C++ libraries, from including headers to managing namespaces and building executables.



1 Lessons

Dig deeper into versatile tools in the C++ Standard Library for efficient data management.


Useful Functions

4 Lessons

Investigate versatile functions like min, max, move, forward, and swap in C++.


Adaptors for Functions

2 Lessons

Master how to use std::bind and std::function for efficient functional programming.


Pairs and Tuples

2 Lessons

Learn how to use pairs and tuples for effective data grouping and manipulation in C++.


Reference Wrappers

2 Lessons

Walk through using reference wrappers to enable flexible object copying and callable encapsulation in C++.


Smart Pointers

5 Lessons

Examine how smart pointers improve memory management, including unique, shared, and weak pointers.


Type Traits

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of C++ type traits, compile-time checks, and type modifications for optimized programming.


Time Library

4 Lessons

Take a look at C++'s time library enhancing multithreading with time point, duration, and clocks.


std::any, std::optional, and std::variant

3 Lessons

Follow the process of utilizing std::any, std::optional, and std::variant for type-safe, flexible data handling.


Interface of All Containers

6 Lessons

Build on the fundamental operations and functionalities of sequential and associative containers.


Sequential Containers

6 Lessons

Learn how to use sequential containers in C++ for various data management needs.


Associative Containers

2 Lessons

Look at C++'s versatile associative containers for efficient key-based data retrieval.


Ordered Associative Containers

5 Lessons

Break apart the intricacies of ordered associative containers, their keys, values, and efficient search functions.


Unordered Associative Containers

5 Lessons

Break down the steps to effectively use unordered associative containers in C++ for better performance.


Adaptors for Containers

4 Lessons

Take a closer look at C++ container adaptors: stack, queue, and priority queue.



5 Lessons

Follow the process of using C++ iterators for efficient container traversal and manipulation.


Callable Units

3 Lessons

Piece together the parts of callable units like functions, function objects, and lambda functions.



6 Lessons

Try out C++ algorithms, iterators, and execution policies for enhanced performance.


Non-Modifying Algorithms

6 Lessons

Unpack the core of non-modifying algorithms in C++, covering searching, counting, checks, and comparisons.


Modifying Algorithms

11 Lessons

Work your way through various C++ algorithms for modifying, moving, transforming, and managing ranges effectively.


More Algorithms

8 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of advanced C++ algorithms, including partitioning, sorting, and numeric operations.


New Algorithms with C++17

2 Lessons

Take a closer look at new C++17 parallel execution algorithms like `reduce` and prefix sums.



2 Lessons

Focus on random number generation and inherited numeric functions in C++.


String View

4 Lessons

Get familiar with handling string views for efficient, non-owning string manipulations in C++.


Regular Expressions

9 Lessons

Discover the logic behind using C++ regular expressions for text pattern matching, searching, and replacing.


Input and Output Streams

9 Lessons

Work your way through C++ input, output, file, and string stream operations and management.


File Systems

4 Lessons

Break down the steps to manage files and directories using C++ filesystem utilities.



7 Lessons

Take a look at C++ multithreading basics, memory model, atomic data, threads, and synchronization.
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