HomeCoursesBuilding Scalable Applications with Thymeleaf and Spring Boot



Building Scalable Applications with Thymeleaf and Spring Boot
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Gain insights into building scalable applications with Thymeleaf and Spring Boot. Delve into Spring Data, Spring Security, and testing methods to ensure maintainable, portfolio-worthy projects.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn how to build easily scalable applications with Thymeleaf and Spring Boot. More specifically, you will combine Thymeleaf and Spring Boot with Spring Data and Spring Security. In a nutshell, this course will give you all the basics you need to start developing an application using Thymeleaf and Spring Boot. Throughout the course, you will be building an application of a fictional basketball team called Thyme Wizards. Additionally, you will also learn to use unit and integration...Show More
In this course, you will learn how to build easily scalable applications with Thymeleaf and Spring Boot. More specifically, you ...Show More


Learn all the basics you need to start developing an application using Thymeleaf and Spring Boot.
Combine Spring Boot with Spring Data and Spring Security to build a solid base.
Use unit and integration tests to ensure the proper code functionality.
Build a maintainable codebase that you can expand upon.
Learn all the basics you need to start developing an application using Thymeleaf and Spring Boot.

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Course Content


Getting Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with building scalable apps using Thymeleaf and Spring Boot.


What are Spring Boot and Thymeleaf?

4 Lessons

Look at Spring Boot and Thymeleaf integration for streamlined applications and modular project structures.


Thymeleaf Introduction

6 Lessons

Explore Thymeleaf's capabilities in creating dynamic templates, controllers, and expressions for Spring Boot.



5 Lessons

Focus on using Thymeleaf Layout Dialect for reusable templates, parameterized layouts, consistent page titles, and streamlined homepage refactoring.



6 Lessons

Practice using Spring MVC controllers to manage requests, render dynamic views, and handle data.



4 Lessons

Learn how to use Spring Boot and Thymeleaf to manage internationalization effectively.


Database Connection

5 Lessons

Unpack the core of integrating databases using Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, and PostgreSQL.



7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of managing forms, validation, custom error messages, and validation groups in Thymeleaf with Spring Boot.


Data Editing

6 Lessons

Take a closer look at data editing, refactoring fragments, and handling optimistic locking in Thymeleaf.


Implement Deletion of an Entity

4 Lessons

Follow the process of implementing interactive, user-friendly entity deletion with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf.



5 Lessons

Master the steps to secure Spring Boot applications with authentication, user roles, and Thymeleaf integration.


Security - Users from Database

6 Lessons

Learn how to use Spring Security with Thymeleaf to manage database-stored users and roles.



4 Lessons

Get started with testing Spring Boot web layers using @WebMvcTest and HtmlUnit.


Testing Using Cypress

4 Lessons

Go hands-on with Cypress for robust front-end testing, bypassing login for efficiency.


Various Tips and Tricks - I

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to optimize database sessions, trim input data, streamline attributes, and manage file uploads effectively.



1 Lessons

Focus on Thymeleaf basics, database connection, form handling, and Spring Security.



5 Lessons

Master the steps to set up your development environment, PostgreSQL, and integrate Cypress with JUnit.
Certificate of Completion
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