HomeCoursesPython for Scientists and Engineers



Python for Scientists and Engineers
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Gain insights into Python for scientific computing. Explore arrays, plotting, linear equations, and algorithms using NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy. Delve into applying tools with practical exercises.
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Course Overview

If you're a scientist or an engineer interested in learning scientific computing, this is the place to start. In this course, you'll learn to write your own useful code to perform impactful scientific computations. Along the way, your understanding will be tested with periodic quizzes and exercises. Topics covered in this course include arrays, plotting, linear equations, symbolic computation, scientific algorithms, and random variables. You’ll also be exposed to popular Python packages like NumPy, Matplo...Show More
If you're a scientist or an engineer interested in learning scientific computing, this is the place to start. In this course, y...Show More


Python Basics



Systems of Linear Equations

Symbolic Computation

Scientific Algorithms

Random Variables

Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with Python's advantages in scientific computing and essential programming libraries.


Python Refresher

12 Lessons

Get started with Python essentials, including variables, operators, loops, functions, and packages.


Systems of Linear Equations

7 Lessons

Solve problems in systems of linear equations, eigenvalues, matrix operations, and sparse matrices.



2 Lessons

Go hands-on with future learning in data science and machine learning skills.



2 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of efficient file I/O with NumPy and LaTeX formatting in matplotlib.
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