HomeCoursesProgramming Discrete Math Concepts for Beginners



Programming Discrete Math Concepts for Beginners
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Gain insights into connecting discrete mathematics with programming. Explore variables, expressions, data structures, and algorithm design to enhance your problem-solving and implementation skills.
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Course Overview

Discrete mathematics is the basis of several popular algorithms. This course shows the discreteness of data structures and algorithms. It can benefit programmers with a non-CS background looking to strengthen their foundations by connecting theoretical concepts with practical programming scenarios. The course starts with discussing relating discrete mathematics with algorithms and data structures. You will have examples demonstrating variables, conditional expressions, and arrays as basic building blocks o...Show More
Discrete mathematics is the basis of several popular algorithms. This course shows the discreteness of data structures and algor...Show More


An understanding of the relationship between discrete mathematics and programming
An understanding of implementing basic algorithms as programs
Hands-on experience coding the basic data structures
Exposure to six different programming languages
An understanding of the relationship between discrete mathematics and programming

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Course Content


Course Introduction

3 Lessons

Get familiar with discrete math foundations, emphasizing algorithms, data structures, and programming links.


Programming Language and Boolean Algebra

5 Lessons

Solve challenges with Boolean algebra, logical expressions, and practical programming examples.


Classes, Objects, and Methods

7 Lessons

Take a closer look at classes, objects, methods, and optimizing algorithms for efficiency.


Linear Data Structures

8 Lessons

Tackle practical applications of ArrayLists, linked lists, stacks, queues, deques, and combined structures.


Time Complexity

5 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in understanding and optimizing the efficiency of algorithms.


Propositional Logic

4 Lessons

Unpack the core of propositional logic, sets, and set operations, crucial in programming.



4 Lessons

Examine combinatorial methods in permutations, combinations, and recursive algorithms for array challenges.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Find out about key foundational concepts in discrete math and their importance for coding.
Certificate of Completion
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