HomeCoursesBuilding Full-Stack Web Applications with AdonisJs



Building Full-Stack Web Applications with AdonisJs
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Gain insights into AdonisJs fundamentals. Delve into routes, controllers, middleware, and hooks. Discover practical examples, illustrations, and quizzes to confidently build your full-stack applications.
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Course Overview

This course is a detailed guide to AdonisJs. AdonisJs, inspired by Laravel, is a Node.js framework that allows developers to build full-stack web applications and micro-API servers. In this course, you will cover the fundamentals: routes, controllers, middleware, hooks, and more. Each chapter contains code examples and illustrations to enhance your learning, and you will also be able to quiz yourself on the materials covered. By the time you are done with the course, you'll have plenty of hands-on pract...Show More
This course is a detailed guide to AdonisJs. AdonisJs, inspired by Laravel, is a Node.js framework that allows developers to bui...Show More


Learn to create routes, middleware, controllers, and views.
Acquire knowledge of the request and response objects.
Discover session drivers and methods.
Learn to validate user input.
Learn to work with a database.
Get introduced to hooks, events, and the Adonis mail provider.
Get familiarized with writing unit and functional tests in AdonisJs.
Learn to create routes, middleware, controllers, and views.

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with AdonisJs, MVC pattern, organized coding, folder structure, and key components.


Request and Response

6 Lessons

Break down complex ideas on handling requests and responses in AdonisJs.


Session, Validator, and Logger

5 Lessons

Dig into session management, flash messages, validation, and logging in AdonisJs.


Hooks, Mail, and Events

6 Lessons

Master Hooks, mail methods, and event handling in AdonisJs to enhance app functionality.



4 Lessons

Step through testing in AdonisJs for ensuring code functionality and handling inputs accurately.



1 Lessons

Look at the comprehensive AdonisJs journey and move to frontend with React or Vue.js.



1 Lessons

Go hands-on with AdonisJs setup, key commands, and essential packages installation.
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