HomeCoursesC++ Template Metaprogramming



C++ Template Metaprogramming
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Gain insights into C++ template metaprogramming. Learn template fundamentals, variadic templates, advanced concepts, and modern practices. Explore patterns, idioms, and practical applications to write efficient code.
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Course Overview

Templates have revolutionized the world of C++ programming. This course covers templates extensively, revealing their underlying mechanics, uses, and advancements. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced C++ developer, the importance of mastering templates and understanding their diverse applications cannot be understated. The course introduces modules on templates, setting the stage for more advanced topics. You'll learn template fundamentals, variadic templates, and advanced template concepts and explo...Show More
Templates have revolutionized the world of C++ programming. This course covers templates extensively, revealing their underlying...Show More


In-depth understanding of C++ templates and their role in code abstraction
Hands-on experience in utilizing variadic templates and type traits for complex tasks
Familiarity with modern C++ features like concepts and constraints
The ability to apply patterns and idioms for efficient C++ template programming
In-depth understanding of C++ templates and their role in code abstraction

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Course Content


Introduction to the Course

3 Lessons

Get familiar with C++ template metaprogramming, from core concepts to advanced features.


Closing Notes

1 Lessons

Break down the comprehensive overview and practical applications of C++ templates.


Course Appendix

2 Lessons

Take a closer look at running code locally with supported compilers and further readings.
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